Sunday 4 December 2011

Network Culture Blog- Week 2: Do we shape technology or does technology shape us?

This discussion can go two ways for in today society it has become apparent that, we as technological consumers have shaped technology. For it was created and adapted over the years to meet our needs and requirements, i.e. contact through email to pass over information of great distances or sometimes new by without having to leave you home, this erased the worry of information being unable to reach their receiver in time.

“Networks are open structures able to expand without limits, Internet grating new nodes as long as they are able to communicate within the network.” Castells (1996, pp.501).

Yet on the hand technology now is evolving so much to the point it is now shaping us. Forcing us to with the ultimatum to adapt or be left behind. For what was the latest high-tech gadget a year ago, is now replacing it with newest version, so this cycle of ever changing technological cycle will continue for years to come.

“Since networks are multiple, the interoperating codes are switches between networks become the fundamental sources in shaping, guiding, misguiding societies.” Castells (1996, pp.502).

In the beginning technology was made and shaped to help us, but of the course of time it appears to of shaped us.

Castells, M. (1996) The Rise of the Network Society: With a New Preface, Volume I. 2nd edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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